The Elements Ventures+
Gain exclusive and free access to premium experiences, idea collaboration and new venture opportunities by joining The Elements Ventures+ and its affiliate brand member groups. Powered by LinkedIn, as a member of The Elements Ventures+, your engagement, stories and passion shows that we, together, can boldly advance a purpose-driven movement that strives to have a lasting positive impact on people, the natural environment and the world.
Lasting. Positive. Impact. Together.
The Elements Group
Inspired by the natural elements - air, water, earth and sun, The Elements Group is a diversified company that strives to produce a lasting positive impact on people, the natural environment and the world.
The Elements Channel
The Elements Channel is a multi-device streaming platform offering extraordinary nature-oriented cinematic, immersive, music and live content.
The Elements Studios
The Elements Studios offers extraordinary nature-oriented cinematic, immersive and animated content and experiences, with all intended to engage, energize and inspire, featuring four engaging multimedia creative studios, Imani’s Sky, Heywood’s Trail, Tierra’s Sun and The Bold Souls.
The Elements Engage
Inspired by the core power of community engagement, The Elements Engage creates immersive platforms and interactive experiences that advance transformational change and lasting positive impact, featuring four virtual community experiences, The Land of We, The Mosaic Room, The Unity Green and The Soulful Earth.
The Elements Voices
The Elements Voices elevates the connection to the natural environment through authentic creative expression and the celebration of our unique voices, featuring four expression platforms, The Motherland, The Wonderland, The Outlandish and Black+Brown.
The Elements Explore
Inspired by the core power of movement and sustainability, The Elements Explore offers sustainable mobility platforms and discovery experiences infused with culture, nature, wellness and community, featuring four mobility and discovery platforms, Well Walks, Natural Rides, Flight Joy and Ebony Ways.
The Elements Climate
Inspired by the core power and impact of corporate and business leadership in addressing climate change, The Elements Climate empowers network-driven platforms focused on high ESG (environmental, social and governance) practices and impactful engagement with the natural environment, featuring four network platforms, ESGSocial, SkinnyDocs, TouriVista and The Blossum.
The Elements Power
Driven by the power or responsible AI in elevating the role of the natural environment in advancing clean energy options, The Elements Power offers platforms that enhance project site selection, alternative energy sources and data center deployment. The Elements Power features four network platforms, Site Centered, Clean Centered, Data Centered and The Radiance.
The Elements Markets
Driven by the power of big data analytics and refined by responsible AI, The Elements Markets allows users to access investment information and engagement networks from the lens of the public markets, global markets, private markets and ESG initiatives. The Elements Markets features four engagement networks, Public Matters, Global Matters, Private Matters and Hidden Gem.
The Elements Spaces
Inspired by the benefits of the connection to nature in developed spaces and environments, The Elements Spaces utilizes responsible AI in planning and developing mixed-use living communities and compatible vertical business parks and data centers in urban centers. The Elements Spaces features four development brands, The Aerial, The Verdant, The Lumina and The Woven.
The Elements Impact
The Elements Impact is a portfolio of AI-driven, bold and transformational projects and social impact initiatives, all with a strong sensitivity to strategies that result in positive outcomes for the natural environment and underserved communities, featuring four innovative initiatives, The Change League, The Boldly Modern, The Urban Reserve and The Elevation Crew.
The Elements AI
Energized by the infinite potential of AI and elevated with a bold, yet responsible and inclusive approach, The Elements AI utilizes innovative generative and inferential AI strategies, sustainable and strategic compute prompts and responsible data center usage that all facilitate refined operational responses and results that are aligned with positivity, featuring four innovative platforms, The Elements People AI, The Elements Natural AI, The Elements World AI and The Higher Standard AI.